Sunday 1 April 2018

A Reason for Being

You may be wondering why I have started this fan site. The main reason would be why not bring the work of Jamie to as many people as I can possibly reach, join fans together and maybe create a few new ones.

The origin of all this coming to be started about a year and a half ago. I had just started a blog to help me get through some really rather rough times I was going through. I was doing it mainly to keep my mind occupied and didn't expect to reach much of an audience. I was writing posts about geek culture and movie news and adding as many stupid jokes as I could come up with.

My viewing figures were pretty dire as you would expect being an anonymous little site in amongst all those big fellas like Den of Geek and the likes. Then one week I wrote a post about horror movies. I stuck a tweet out to let people know it existed with #horror tagged on the end. Two random folks retweeted my message, Jamie and a chap called Mack Kuhr. All of a sudden my reading numbers rocketed!

4/20 Massacre - Outstanding in it's Blood Soaked Field

There are a lot of slasher movies out there. There are between 7 and 33,759. I counted. I think you will find that is pretty accurate figure and may well offer you insight into why I never became an accountant - well I did,  but I am not allowed to practice until the hearing comes up. The genre is full of classics but there are many out there that pale imitations of those that have come previously. Imagination seems to have drained from the genre like so much blood from the neck of a unwitting camp councilor.

If you are honest with yourself, when someone mentions watching a slasher movie you immediately assume you are going to be watching some sort of possessed undead chap, stomping about the place, with more muscles than body building contest sponsored by Dr Filibusters Miracle Steroid Pectoral Growth Medicine. There, in the shadows, he will go on his merry way, casually ripping off young teenagers privates whilst they poke said privates into places that they probably ought not do.

It is very rare to come across an entry into this genre that is truly original. However, director Dylan Reynolds has managed to bring us a movie that is genuinely unique. The first stoner slasher movie.